Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the beginning ...

In the beginning we were bussed from our hotel to the Cow Palace ...
In this picture, we "Jersey Girls For Shore" are posing in front of a wall on which we dedicated our walk. My walk was dedicated to Mom, Cynthia, Phyllis, Bee, and Lisa.
It was a most emotional time for me.
I was thrilled to see that Stacey, a wonderfully brave woman who is a breast cancer survivor, was a big part of the opening ceremonies.
If you're reading this Stacey ... congratulations on an amazing 60 miles!
You are an inspiration.

We left the Cow Palace and began our first 15.5 miles.

Along the way we picked up two more Jersey "Girls" ... and we all met my cheerleaders!
What a great group!

Just the beginning ...