Wednesday, September 30, 2009

San Francisco

Flat Jeter2 and I are here in San Francisco! (Well ... in South San Francisco!) Tomorrow we'll be picked up by the great Food Lady, herself ... and taken on a sight seeing tour of the city. CAN'T WAIT TO MEET THE FOOD LADY!

I have my team shirts and I'm ready to go. Tomorrow I'll have more pictures.


  1. hi berta, good luck wif yer walkie. mommie wishes she cood come down there but she has bored and budget krap. hope yoo and da fud lady have a great time

  2. fj deux is a handsome lad!

    smiles, bee

  3. WOO HOO!!!! Wish we were there!!!

    Junior, Orion and Meowm!

  4. Da FL sed meeting yoo and Flat Jeter wuz one of da biggest thrills of her life.

  5. Welcome to San Francisco - it's our home town!
    And what a great cause to be involved in this weekend. We hope the walk went well.
